Monday 5 December 2016

Silicon Cities and creating tech clusters in the UK (pt 2)

Reviewing the Silicon Cities report (see post 2/Dec), it also highlights the following key success factors: 

Access to finance: 
>>Successful clusters depend on having strong representation from angel and venture capital groups to ensure businesses have the necessary investment to grow. 

Sound infrastructure: 
>>During interviews for this report, having the right infrastructure was frequently cited as being a core requirement for tech clusters’ success. This includes transport links (regional, national and international), office space, as well as access to fast broadband (a point raised by former New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, during his visit to London’s Tech City in June 2014)

Friday 2 December 2016

Silicon Cities and creating tech clusters in the UK (pt 1)

This is a great report (published by the Policy Exchange in 2014) on the key factors relating to the creation of tech clusters. Couple things to highlight:

Skills: The single most important success factor for tech clusters is having access to a strong base of workers with the skills – or aptitude to learn – core competencies needed by the sector. 

Community collaboration: Successful clusters require not just the proximity but the collaboration of different groups such as entrepreneurs, investors, universities, research organisations, science parks, businesses and local government

The full report is well worth a read.